Whole-Body Personal Protective Equipment Requirements
Employees should be trained to know when whole-body personal protective equipment is required to protect workers from on-the-job hazards.
OSHA Standards for Hearing Protection: Avoid Hearing Loss
Workers exposed to high levels of noise can suffer permanent hearing loss. Understand responsibilities and rights when it comes to hearing protection.
Use Other Safety Controls First, PPE is the Last Defense
PPE is often used as the only protection for serious safety risks, but there are 4 other controls to be implemented first. PPE is the last line of defense.
Essential Guide to Selecting Workplace Safety PPE
PPE is designed to protect against specific hazards. It is important that the correct protection is selected for the hazards presented at the worksite.
Job-Site Safety Vest Guidance and Visibility Requirements
There are different types and classes of safety vests and every worker should have a well-fitting safety vest that meets the requirements for the job site.
Preventing Eye Injuries is a Great Safety Meeting Topic
Learn more about the most important points to discuss during your next safety meeting or toolbox talk on eye safety and preventing eye injuries on the job.
Face Shields: When Workers Need More Protection
Workers should always wear protection for their eyes and when needed wearing a face shield may be crucial to avoid a potentially permanent injury.