Safety Tips for Confined Space Work in Manholes
Ensuring safety in and around manholes involves understanding confined space entry procedures, using proper PPE, and following safety protocols.

Permit-Required Confined Space Rescue Safety Planning
Effective emergency planning is vital to ensure that any worker in a confined space who becomes sick or is injured can be evacuated quickly and safely.

Confined Space Hazards When Entering Grain Storage Bins
Suffocation is a leading cause of death in grain storage bins. Hazardous atmospheres can also be a hazard for grain storage workers.

Confined Space Worker Roles During Permit-Required Work
Those assigned a role during confined space entry must have sufficient training to understand what is required of them and know how to use their equipment.

How to Safely Work in a Permit-Required Confined Space
If workers must enter permit-required confined spaces, then a written permit program as well as the use of detailed confined space permit is needed.

What's Required for a Confined Space Hazard Evaluation
OSHA requires confined spaces to be evaluated for hazards, and if there are hazards, then the area must be classified as a permit-required confined space.

Invisible and Potentially Deadly Hazards of Confined Spaces
Confined spaces, like pipelines, may appear to be safe but can contain invisible hazards such as dangerous fumes, vapors, or insufficient oxygen.