last reviewed and updated June 16, 2023
Is there a money back guarantee or refund?
Yes! We know you will be pleased with the content and quality of our safety meeting topics because they are designed to help you keep your team focused, productive and accident-free. But if you aren't 100% satisfied with awesome safety topics then we will honor a money-back guarantee for up to 30 days from the date of sign-up. Here's the thing, there's no risk to you. Instead, we are taking a risk with our no hassles refund. Go for it and we know you won't be disappointed. But if you are, for any reason, let us know within 30 days from the date of sign-up and you'll get 100% of your order back with no questions and no hassles.
Is my credit card information safe?
Yes! Your payments are handled through and are 100% secure. Stripe is the best way to accept payments online and they securely handle billions of dollars every year for businesses around the world.
What file format are the topics provided in?
Your weekly safety topics will be in *.pdf format. There are many free reading programs that can display the common PDF file. If you ever have any trouble just let us know and we'll be there to help.
How will I receive my safety topics?
We've got it down to three easy steps: 1) create your secure account, 2) confirm your membership options and payment and 3) you're done! You'll be instantly directed to your secure members area where you can immediately start accessing your safety topics.
When will I receive my access to the safety topics?
Within minutes you will have the opportunity to deploy your weekly safety training to your staff. Once you sign up you'll be directed to your secure members area and instantly you'll have access to all the content available plus new stuff added every month.
Is my information secure?
Yes! Security is our top priority, and we built our site and members area from the ground up to make sure your information is secure.
What if I find an error in the topics?
What?! We're not robots, we are human and unfortunately you may find a mistake. If you find an error in any one of the weekly safety topics please notify us at If agreed, we will make the correction and provide you with the updated version. Seriously, please let us know if something slipped through our quality control process. We've got pretty high standards and want to keep it that way.
Do I have to install anything?
No! We created our site so you wouldn't have to have a whole I.T. department to get started! Just login, follow a few simple instructions, and you can easily download the safety topics and resources you want to use from our members area.
Can I sell the topics?
No. Please don't sell our training to your subcontractors, your brother-in-law, or your friends. Our prices are super low and the only way we can afford to keep it that way is by having enough customers. If you sell, give-away, or steal our safety topics then you're violating our terms.
What do I do if the download links don't work or I can't figure out how to get my topics?
Sometimes there is a glitch with some internet browsers that make it seem like the download didn't work, however, if you look in your downloads folder you will find the topics or resources that you downloaded. You should be familiar with how your computer manages downloads. Sometimes there will be a small pop-up on the top or the bottom of the screen asking if you want to save the document or zip file, or the files will automatically download into your "downloads" folder. If you have any issues with downloading your safety topics and safety resources, please contact us at
I already have a membership but I want to upgrade to a Lifetime Membership, what should I do?
All current customers that have a monthly or yearly membership with are eligible to upgrade to a Lifetime Membership at any time. We've made it really easy and provided a special upgrade option inside your members area. Any payment made within 30 days of the date of the upgrade will be credited back to your account in the form of a refund. If you have more questions about the upgrade process, please email us at
What language(s) are available?
All of our safety topics and checklists are available in both English and Spanish. The Spanish versions are identical to the English versions and have been professionally translated. We wanted to ensure that all your crews were receiving exactly the same high-quality content.
I'm a member or I just tried signing up and I need some help getting in...
Yikes! If you're having any problems getting in or back into your members area please take a look at these helpful tips. Just click here.
What if I only need a safety manual?
We're so glad you asked! offers an option for those organizations that are only looking for a safety manual or written safety program. Whether you need something simple to just start out with or you are hoping to improve or expand your current written policies please take a look at our OSHA Safety Manual options by clicking here.