Just complete the survey below, it takes less than 1 minute!
Our Professionally Written Safety Program Manual is yours Free upon completion of our short survey! It contains three core subjects that any company including construction contractors, small businesses, manufacturing, industrial, retail, and service companies need to jump-start their OSHA Compliance. Take advantage of this amazing opportunity.
Don't miss out...
Hurry, Your Free Safety Manual is waiting for you!
Here's What You'll Get In Your Free Safety Program Manual:
Core Safety Compliance Subjects $99.00, FREE

Corporate Safety Policy

Company Policies and Procedures

Health and Safety Responsibilities

OSHA Recordkeeping Requirements

Job Safety Planning and Analysis

General Safety Rules for all Employees

Hazard Communication Program (HCS)

HCS Program includes new GHS requirements
This Free written safety manual is in a MS Word format and is fully customizable for your company! With a minimum real value of $99 and it's often sold by safety consultants for much more than that.
Professionally Written. Ready to meet your OSHA compliance needs.
Inside of this Safety Manual you'll get OSHA required information including...
- Corporate Safety Policy - a perfectly written corporate policy ready for you, your President, CEO, or Boss to sign off showing that you have Management Commitment - from the top!
- Company Policies and Procedures - includes important statements about how to handle first aid requirements, how your company will handle OSHA record-keeping requirements, general Do's and Don'ts that every company needs to put in writing, safety management responsibilities, and one of the key policies that OSHA looks for: Disciplinary Actions for Willful Unsafe Acts.
- Hazard Communication Program - one of the the standards consistently listed in the the Top 10 Most Frequently Cited Standards is the OSHA regulation on Hazard Communication. As part of this Free Safety Manual you'll get a written "HazCom" program that includes the requirements for the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) which is now aligned with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS).

Don't miss out on this valuable resource...

Designed to help you meet your OSHA Compliance Needs A value of well over $99.00, yours Free.
Easy to edit Word (*.doc) files. Simply add your company information and print.
Your written Safety Program Manual will include all of this...
Section 1
Section 2
Written Individual Programs
Health and Safety Program Responsibility
Job Safety Planning and Analysis
Routine Safety and Health Inspections
General Safety Rules for all Employees
Fire Prevention and Protection
Recordkeeping Requirements
Disciplinary Actions for Willful Unsafe Acts
Section 3
Safety Data Sheets & Hazardous Materials Inventory List
Non-Company Employees Program
Complete the survey, qualify, and download your free safety manual now!
You need a written safety manual...
- Provide to Workplace, Insurance, and Third Party auditors.
- Meet Bidding, project, or OSHA requirements.
- Comply with both Federal OSHA and/or certain State Labor Department OSH standards.
- Show to General Contractors, Customers, or inspectors.
- Communicate do's and don'ts to your Superintendents, Managers, Foremen, Supervisors, and employees.
Complete the survey. Download your Free Safety Manual right now. A value of well over $99.00, yours Free.