Good Housekeeping Practices Essential for Office Spaces
Good housekeeping includes keeping common and personal work areas clean, preventing fire hazards, and keeping stairways and exit routes safe.

Office Chair Use and Assembly Safety Tips and Precautions
Workplace safety considerations for the use, care, inspection, and assembly of office chairs including ergonomic risk factors and wear and tear concerns.

Electrical Hazards Often Found in the Office
The high volume of electrical equipment in a typical office work environment can expose workers to serious electrical hazards, including shocks, burns and fire.

Train Employees on Office and Shop Fire Prevention
Important fire safety practices that employees and employers should know to help prevent workplace fires, keep workers safe and keep offices and stores open.

Proper Lifting and Carrying Techniques and Safety Tips
Safety precautions to remember when your job requires lifting and carrying, to prevent potential discomfort, aggravation, strains, sprains and injury.

How Good Ergonomic Work Practices Prevent Chronic Pain
Ergonomics is important for office workers as they utilize their work space on a daily basis in such a way that increases both comfort and productivity.

5 Safe Ways to Prevent Computer Vision Syndrome
Here are five ways anyone can help prevent Computer Vision Syndrome and maintain optimal eye health whether you are at an office or working at home.