Never Search For Safety Meeting Topics Again
Safety meeting topics, toolbox talks, and tailgate safety topics so your team is focused, productive, and accident-free.

Everything you need to have safety meetings with your team.

Welcome to! If you want to stop wasting valuable time searching online for safety meeting topics, improve OSHA incidence rates to lower insurance premiums, or even if you just want to help crews and managers understand the importance of safety and reduce the number of safety violations then you need! Here's why...
Because in today's competitive market, having a poor safety program can mean the difference between winning the contract or losing the deal.
Stop wasting time • Lower insurance premiums • Improve workplace safety
Here's how and why we can make you this promise...
We are safety professionals with over 18 years of experience working in industries varying from manufacturing, telecommunications, and heavy construction.
We have worked with hundreds of small, mid-size and large companies. We’ve been the managers, the safety consultants, and the in-house safety director. We’ve sat across from OSHA and negotiated fines. We've led thousands of safety meetings and we've wasted countless hours looking for good safety meeting material.
A subscription to is going to give you everything you need to have successful safety meetings with your team.
"These safety topics are an excellent way to boost your Safety Program with simple reminders to your teams. Equip your crew with the information they need to stay safe, each day, of each week."
Every minute you wait is another minute you are at risk for safety violations, accidents, or worse.
Safety meetings are good business for every company
More than 1,200 companies and organizations just like yours are using our weekly safety topics today.
Small businesses, government departments, international companies, non-profit organizations, franchises, national chains, full-service enterprises, leadership groups and everyone in between.
Here are just some of the industries and sectors that are using safety resources to ensure their teams put safety first, every day, every week.
Agricultural Renovations
Air Filter Distribution
Air Quality Control
Air Technology Solutions
Aluminum Products
Asphalt Paving & Repair
Auto Mechanic
Auto Parts Supplier
Auto Manufacturing
Battery Material Supplier
Blood Drive Center
Boat Builder
Box Manufacturing
Bridge Construction
Building Automation
Building Inspections
Building Supply
Cell Tower Maintenance
Chemical Manufacturing
Chimney Sweep
City Department Utilities
City Government
City Parks & Rec Dept
Civil Construction
Clothing Retailer
Coal Products
Commercial Construction
Commercial Greenhouse
Commercial Truck Rental
Community College
Concrete Builder
Concrete Demolition
Concrete Products
Concrete Restoration
Construction Mgmt.
Construction Materials
Copper Producer
Cosmetic Manufacturing
County Government
Crop Fertilizer Mfg.
Crude & Natural Gas
Custom Cabinetry
Custom Signs Printing
Dairy Farm
Diamond Production
Display Products Supply
Door Installation
Door Manufacturing
Electrical Construction
Electrical Contractor
Electrical Parts Supplier
Electrical Services
Electrical Systems
Emergency Services
Engineered Wood Mfg.
Engineering Consultants
Equipment Mfg.
Equipment Rentals
Facilities Management
Fall Protection Products
Federal Gov. Department
Fence & Deck Builder
Fire Protection
Fleet Management
Foundation Construction
Freight Shipping
Frozen Foods Processing
Fuel Products Supplier
Gasket Fabrication G
eneral Contractor
Glass Engineering
Gold Mining
Granite Installation
Gravel Products Supplier
Hardware Store
Hazard Emergency Resp.
Health Care Services
Health Insurance
Heavy Cargo Storage
Heavy Equipment Dealer
Home & Auto Insurance
HVAC Installation
HVAC Manufacturing
Industrial Cleaners
Industrial Cleaning Sply.
Industrial Components
Industrial Construction
Industrial Equipment
Industrial Painting
Industrial Refrigeration
Industrial Supplies
Injection Molded Prod.
Insulation Contractor
International Gov. Dept.
Irrigation Installation
Kitchen Renovations
Kitchen Product Supply
Land Surveying Services
Landscape Architecture
Liquor Distributor
Livestock Production
Logistics Outsourcing
Logistics Solutions
Lumber Supply
Luxury Home Builder
Major Hotel Chain
Marine Equip. Rentals
Marine Equip. Repair
Marine Safety Consulting
Masonry Contractor
Materials Testing Svcs.
Mattress Supplier
Mechanical Parts Repair
Mechanical Systems
Medical Center
Metal Piping Contractor
Mined Zinc Producer
Mobile Storage Supplier
Modular Buildings
Mold Remediation
Municipal Water Dept.
National Park Service
Natural Gas Equipment
Natural Gas Processing
Network Infrastructure
Non-Profit Organization
Oil & Gas Technologies
Oil & Natural Gas
Oil Refinery
Oilfield Services
Packaged Foods
Packaging & Distribution
Packaging Supply
Paper Products
Parking Lot Maintenance
Pavement Resurfacing
Petroleum Equipment
Pharmacy Wholesaler
Pipeline Construction
Plastics Manufacturing
Plumbing Systems Installation
Poultry Farm
Powder Coating Facility
Power Equip. Servicing
PPE Distribution
Printing & Fulfillment
Produce Harvesting
Product Distribution
Product Packaging
Product Testing
Project Management Services
Public School District
Rail Construction
Real Estate Development
Real Estate Management
RV Sales
Recycling Plant
Refrigeration Installation
Residential Construction
Residential Remodeling
Restaurant Road Construction
Safety Supply Provider
Sheet Metal Fabrication
Shipping Containers
Solar Energy Provider
Specialty Meats Supplier
Staffing Agency
State Corrections Dept.
State Government
State Park
State Transit Authority
Steel Building Contractor
Storage Systems Mfg.
Storage Tank Supplier
Technical College
Telecom Service Provider
Thrift Store
Tile & Marble Installation
Tile Supply & Installation
Tire Retail Sales
Tool Distributor
Trailer Rentals
Tree Care & Removal
Tribal Community
U.S. Government Dept.
Underground Mining
Utility Contractor
Utility Locating Service
Vacation Resort
Waste Management
Water Heating Systems
Water Reclamation
Welding & Fabrication
Wholesale Grocers
Windows Manufacturing
Work Apparel Supply
Yacht Club
Everything you need to have successful safety meetings with your team!
Every day, 12 workers are killed on the job and more than 9,000 workers suffer a serious job-related injury. Implementing a good safety meeting program will save lives and prevent injuries daily.
- You should know that it has been shown and OSHA has confirmed that for every dollar spent on an effective safety program, an employer can expect up to six times a return on its investment.
- You'll be able to energize your safety meetings because you won't be putting another boring safety topic in front of your team.
- Employers that invest in workplace safety and health can expect to reduce fatalities, injuries, and illnesses. This will result in cost savings in a variety of areas, such as lowering workers' compensation costs and medical expenses, avoiding OSHA penalties, and reducing costs to train replacement employees and conduct accident investigations.
- You will stop wasting countless hours searching online for your next safety meeting idea and have everything you need for your next safety meeting already at your fingertips.
- You'll find that employers often find that changes made to improve workplace safety and health can result in significant improvements to their organization's productivity and financial performance.
- You'll have a TON more money in your pocket when you save thousands of dollars avoiding expensive injuries, lawsuits, and claims.
U.S. businesses spend more than a billion dollars a week on the most disabling, nonfatal workplace injuries.
Safety pays for itself...

The Numbers Don't Lie!
Safety meetings = highly productive employees and substantial profits
- When you hold regular safety meetings, think about how good you'll feel knowing that your team knows that you respect them and care about their safety.
- When you don't have to spend thousands of dollars on injury claims and OSHA violations think about all the extra money you'll have left over for bonuses, new equipment, and attracting new business.
- See yourself announcing to your employees about the bonus they'll get this year because of the savings you realized when you implemented this safety program.
Contractor, Landscaper, Electrician, Distribution, Fabricator, Shop, whatever your specialty...We mean literally every company needs to be having weekly safety meetings.
Building a strong safety culture starts here
- Energize your safety meetings - grab attention with an important fact, statistic, or story
- Avoid specific hazards or safety violations - present realistic tips, recommendations, and ideas
- Keep their attention - use more than words, show pictures from the field, job-site, or accident scene
- Answer the question "who says?" - if they ask where does it say that, then show them the real OSHA standard or rule

Success in safety means doing this...

This is just the tip of the iceberg of what you get...
Unlimited downloads of every safety topic included in every subscription. Print, email, and use as many safety topics as you need.
Start today for years of safety success.
Keep your team informed, OSHA compliant, and safe with new and unique safety topics every week. A full plan for your safety meeting program, no guessing, no headaches, and no more searching.
You'll have an extensive library of professionally written, accurate, and attention grabbing safety meeting kits and toolbox talks... follow our training plan or create your own...
Construction Safety Meeting Training Plan
1st Quarter
2nd Quarter
3rd Quarter
4th Quarter
Your company may grow but your price will stay the same.
Get OSHA Compliant and train on these required safety topics
- Electrical Safety Topics
- Excavation Safety Topics
- Fall Protection Topics
- Health Hazards Topics
- Heavy Equipment Topics
- Incident Lessons Learned Topics
- Industrial Safety Topics
- Ladder Safety Topics
- Man Lifts and Aerial Lift Topics
- OSHA Focus Four Topics
- Personal Protection Topics
- Site Safety Topics
- Tool Safety Topics
- *Bonus* Holiday Safety Topics
Safety topics for industrial, light manufacturing & more
Our commitment to safety means you'll have an amazing safety training topic library! We have included Industrial Training topics in a special section that are better suited towards industries other than construction, like light manufacturing, warehouse & distribution, retail establishments, hospitals, shops, educational organizations, etc. OSHA refers to these types of companies and organizations as "General Industry" and the OSHA standard in these training documents is the General Industry standard (29 CFR 1910 rather than the Construction OSHA standard 29 CFR 1926 found referenced in our other training topics).
- Meet OSHA General Industry Requirements and Regulations
- Expand Compliance Training with Monthly or Weekly Safety Meetings on the floor
- Safety Topics Suitable for Light Manufacturing, Warehouse, and more
- Reference OSHA Standards from 29 CFR 1910 General Industry in your safety meetings
You'll have an extensive library of professionally written, accurate, and attention grabbing safety meeting kits and toolbox talks... follow our training plan or create your own...
Industry Safety Meeting Training Plan
1st Quarter
2nd Quarter
3rd Quarter
4th Quarter
Floor Manager, Line Worker, Forklift Operator, Dock Supervisor whatever your specialty... We mean literally every company needs to be having weekly safety meetings.
Spanish workers & leaders need training they can understand
Professionally Translated safety topics and information to ensure accuracy,clarity, and understanding by your Spanish speaking team members.
- ALL of our Unique Safety Topics in Spanish
- Sign-in Sheets with both English and Spanish Topic titles to make your record-keeping easier
- Quizzes and Answer sheets in Spanish
- *Bonus* Holiday Safety Topics in Spanish
- *Bonus* OSHA Materials, Pamphlets, and Handouts in Spanish
Welder, Tower Hand, Electrician, Laborer, Warehouse Super, whatever your specialty...We mean literally every company needs to be having weekly safety meetings.
Upgrade your safety meetings to save time and money
Start right now and get a full suite of safety meeting topics, toolbox talks, and safety resources to expand, upgrade, or jump-start your safety training program.
- Hundreds of pages of safety tips, hazard awareness, and safe practices
- Hundreds of unique OSHA Safety meeting topics
- 1 Page - Fast Toolbox Talks for quick safety huddles
- 2 Page - Short Form Foreman's Safety Tailgate or Toolbox Safety Topics
- 6 Page - Long Form Manager Safety Meeting Presentations
- Quiz and answer sheet for every safety topic
- Actual job site photos, showing DO's and DON'Ts
- High Quality Pictures in Safety Meeting Topics to show Safety Hazards and Fixes
- Safety examples and attention grabbers
- Professionally written content by seasoned safety professionals
- Pre-filled sign-in sheets ready to go for every safety meeting
- OSHA Standards Explained in each Safety Topic, toolbox talk, or tailgate safety meeting
- Free Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Template
- More than 100+ OSHA regulations explained in safety meeting format
- Injury Statistics to use as attention grabbers in each safety meeting kit
- Awesome safety meeting resources to expand your library of safety information
- Free Bonus Holiday Safety Topics #1 - US Independence Day
- Free Bonus Holiday Safety Topics #2 - Thanksgiving Day
- Free Bonus Holiday Safety Topics #3 - Winter Travel
- Bonus OSHA Materials, Handouts, and Pamphlets
- And So Much More...
We offer safety training topics for tailgate safety huddles, toolbox talks, or weekly safety meetings and so much more.
Free bonus #1
OSHA Compliant Written Safety Program Manual:
- Corporate Safety Policy
- Company Policies and Procedures
- OSHA Inspection Procedures
- Housekeeping Program
- Hazard Communication Program (new OSHA & GHS requirements)
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- Emergency Action Plan
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Program (PPE Needs Analysis worksheet included)
- Stairway and Ladder Safety Program
- Fall Protection Program
- Equipment, Tools, and Ground Fault Safety Program
- Lockout/Tagout Program
- Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP, I2P2)
This written safety manual is instantly downloadable in a MS Word format and is fully customizable for your company! This OSHA-compliant Safety Manual has a minimum real value of $129 and is often sold by many consultants for up to $249, but we are including it as a FREE BONUS.
Free bonus #2
Safety Manual Power Pack:
- Aerial Lifts
- Back Safety
- Confined Space Entry (with both General Industry and new Construction Industry requirements)
- Electrical Safety (hot work)
- Excavation and Trenching
- Hearing Conservation (Occupational Noise)
- Silica Control Program
- Powered Industrial Truck (applies to all types of Forklifts)
- Respiratory Protection
- Scaffold Safety
- Bonus - Four Sample Confined Space Entry Permits
- Bonus - Powered Industrial Trucks Sample Daily Checklist
- Bonus - Written Silica Exposure Control Plan Form
This safety manual power pack has 10 more sections to add to your safety manual (same format!) and is instantly downloadable in a MS Word format and fully customizable for your company! Purchasing just one of these extra sections online will cost you between $29 and $99 EACH, but we are including ALL TEN EXTRA SECTIONS as a FREE BONUS.
Free bonus #3
Brand New E-Book, Just Released!
Answers to Questions Every Employer NEEDS to Know

- Safety Manual on page 6 learn what needs to be in your safety manual and on page 9 learn what a Hazard Communication program should look like.
- Safety Meetings on page 13 is advice on how often you should be having regular safety meetings and on page 15 what you should be talking about.
- Compliance Training on page 19 is information on what compliance training is required for your company.
- Incident Investigations on page 21 learn the difference between an incident vs. accident and also find guidance on what types of incidents you need to investigate.
- Job Inspections who needs to be performing job inspections is revealed on page 27 and what should be recorded during a job inspection is covered on page 29.
- OSHA Logs find out what an OSHA log is, where to find them and how to fill them out on pages 32 - 34.
- OSHA Reporting understand what OSHA reporting is and when you need to do it on page 36 and know what happens if you fail to report what you are supposed to on page 39.
This exclusive book is only available from! This is the exact same advice that companies pay consultants to tell them after they pay hundreds (or thousands!) of dollars in consulting fees. Getting this same information from a hired safety consultant will cost any company between $297 to $1299, but we are including this valuable book as another FREE BONUS.
Free bonus #4
Fully Customizable Safety Orientation Presentation!
PowerPoint Presentation with 10 Core Safety Subjects
Perfect for your New Employee Safety Orientation and a
Great Companion to your Safety Manual

Even though this safety orientation is ready-to-go right now you can still customize it to your company. Add in your own logo, include pictures of your team doing things the right way, and show your company, project, or site information.
- Safety Policy - tell your new team members how safety is a priority at your organization.
- General Safety Rules - the 8 do's and don'ts that every new hire needs to know.
- Accident & Incident Reporting - what needs to be reported, when, and to whom.
- Signs & Barricades - tell them and show them what your safety signage means.
- Fire Safety & Prevention - give a proper orientation to specific types of fire extinguishers and their uses.
- Housekeeping - clean sites, warehouses, and work-spaces are safer for everyone.
- Hazard Communication - start them off on the right foot with the new OSHA Globally Harmonized System for chemical hazard communication. EVERY COMPANY NEEDS this, don't make the mistake of thinking you're exempt.
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - safety orientation is the perfect place to define "PPE" and communicate what is required for your organization.
- Stairway and Ladder Safety - four slides of do's and don'ts for ladder and stair way safety may just prevent the next serious injury. You can even customize this with your own ladder pics to really drive the point home!
- Fall Protection - start the discussion on how to avoid serious falls and let them know where fall hazards may be found.
- Equipment, Tools, and Ground Fault Safety - 9 slides of examples of good and bad extension cords, GFCIs, and other common tool hazards will help orientate the new team member to avoid serious incidents.
- Lockout/Tagout - don't take a chance on this dangerous topic. All employees should recognize what lockout/tagout means so they can work safely around it, avoid it, and know if they need more training to do lockout/tagout.
The Safety Orientation Presentation comes packed with 60 slides of DOs and DON'Ts, rules, safety tips, and images and you can use today! Plus with the presentation in a PowerPoint format you can edit, customize, add your company logo, and update for your specific company needs. We've designed this presentation to perfectly compliment your Safety Manual so that your team is getting information that they need to know as soon as they join your organization.
OSHA rules make it clear that new employees need awareness training and this is the perfect start for compliance with OSHA training regulations. Getting this same information from a hired safety consultant will cost any company up to $297, but we are including this fully editable and ready-to-go safety orientation as another FREE BONUS.
So here's the bottom line with a subscription to
You get instant access (every day, all day, forever) to hundreds of safety training topics, a customizable OSHA-compliant safety manual, safety resources every company needs, and more! Have All the Safety Resources You Need to build the safety foundation for your company that prevents injuries and saves lives.
Here is the value of this offer:
- Hundreds of Safety Topics and Safety Meeting Kits ($444/year value)
- Bonus #1: OSHA Compliant Safety Manual ($249 value)
- Bonus #2: Safety Manual Power Pack ($495 value)
- Bonus #3: Quick & Easy Survival Guide to Keep OSHA Off Your Back ($397 value)
- Bonus #4: Fully Customizable Safety Orientation Presentation ($297 value)
- Awesome Safety Information, OSHA Resources, and more! (unlimited value...)
- TOTAL VALUE: More than $1,882!
- YOUR PRICE ONLY $39 per month
As you can see, the bonuses alone have a total value of $1,438 but they are yours free when you subscribe today!
Start your safety meetings now
$99 per month plus
$789 per year plus
$1,949 paid once plus
You deserve the most trusted sources
Why not put us to the test?
Take these three steps now:
- Start now and lock in your membership rate for life.
- Get instant access to all safety topics, bonus materials, & more.
- Decide that is the right fit for you.
Lock in your rate now! No other company will guarantee what we are offering, your membership price will NEVER go up! Subscribe today to have valuable safety resources at your fingertips EVERY DAY.
Your price will never go up. That's our promise to you. You will get access to everything we have to offer for the same low price! what are you waiting for?
Get all this, AND MORE! Our Safety topics are the best in the industry. Access to our safety meeting kits is already worth more than 10x our already low price. But we didn't stop there! Get more than just training, get resources, sample forms, and more material to set your company up for success! There is literally nothing to lose, start your today!
Take their word for it...
Is there a money back guarantee or refund?
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What file format are the topics provided in?
How will I receive my safety topics?
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Is my information secure?
What if I find an error in the topics?
Do I have to install anything?
Can I sell the topics?
Maybe you're asking yourself these questions...
So, What's The Catch...?
There is NO catch. We're going to let you have access to all of, in it's entirety, right now, today, because we know that after you start using our safety topics, you'll wonder how you ever survived without them!
Is There A Guarantee?
Of course. :) We guarantee that you'll LOVE, and if for some reason you decide later that you don't want to be a member anymore, then we'll happily cancel your account without any penalties. We don't believe in any long term contracts so you can come and go as you please.
What Do I Do Next?
Here's What To Do Next: From here it's just finalizing the details. Click on the button below, pick how much you want to save either monthly or annually and you can finally get started!

From the team at, LLC, we guarantee that we have put our heart and soul into creating and sourcing the the absolute best safety products and services for you to improve the safety in your organization. We think you will feel the same way when you experience what our membership site has to offer. However, if you discover that our safety training does not match the needs of your company at the moment, please remember that within the first 30 days, if you email us to let us know that you would like to cancel and receive a refund, you’re fully protected by an 100% unconditional money-back guarantee.
Our goal is to ensure that you have the best possible experience with us at, and if that is not the case, then we don't want to make it difficult for you to move on. We'll be sorry to see you go, but you will be welcome back anytime.
No Hassle, Super Easy, Speedy, No Strings Attached Refund Policy
If you decide at any time during the first 30 days after starting your membership with that our content and services do not suit the need of your company, please email us at and let us know that you would like to cancel your membership and receive a refund. In this situation, if you email us with your refund request within 30 days of the start of your membership, you will get your money back. That's a firm promise and commitment.
To serve you and others better in the future, we request (but do not require) that you tell us why you want a refund. We want satisfied customers and if there is something about your experience that we could learn from and improve upon, then we will take that into consideration for future product and service development. (What we mean is, your opinion is important to us!)
Cancellation Policy
It is your right to terminate your relationship with, LLC. To cancel your membership immediately, please email us at If you cancel your membership, you are required to delete all files you may have downloaded from our membership area (as these are exclusive to members only) and you must discontinue use of any content and materials at your company.
Please remember that asking for a refund or cancelling your membership but continuing to use content, training or materials purchased from us is the same thing as stealing and may also violate applicable intellectual property rights law.