Weeklysafety.com has an offer that you won't find anywhere else. We have the lowest prices on OSHA-compliant safety manuals that include 13 Core Safety Compliance subjects. Every company needs a written safety & health program with AT LEAST these core compliance topics addressed.
- Corporate Safety Policy
- Company Policies and Procedures
- Hazard Communication Program
- OSHA Inspection Procedures
- Housekeeping Program
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Program
- Stairway and Ladder Safety Program
- Fall Protection Program
- Equipment, Tools, and Ground Fault Safety Program
- Lockout/Tagout Program
- Bloodborne Pathogens Program
- Emergency Action Plan
- Injury and Illness Prevention Program
The safety manual is provided in Microsoft Word *.docx format and it is 100% customizable. It is very easy to add or delete sections and add your company name. With all the files in Microsoft Word Format you have everything you need now and when your business grows or changes.
DOWNLOAD YOUR SAFETY MANUAL INSTANTLY! There is no reason to wait for documents to be mailed or shipped. Place your order and you'll get immediate access to download your files and get your safety manual done. You customize and print as many copies as you need.
Weeklysafety.com has the lowest prices on professionally-written, OSHA-compliant safety manuals. Feel free to do your research, but you won't find lower prices anywhere so keep our website open on your computer while you look around because you will come back!

The safety manual we have put together has been written by seasoned safety professionals and is OSHA-compliant. This means that within minutes, you will have a fully customized, printable written safety program designed for your company. This safety manual includes:
- Corporate Safety Policy - a perfectly written corporate policy ready for you, your President, CEO, or Boss to sign off showing that you have Management Commitment - from the top!
- Company Policies and Procedures - includes important statements about how to handle first aid requirements, how your company will handle OSHA record-keeping requirements, general Do's and Don'ts that every company needs to put in writing, safety management responsibilities, and one of the key policies that OSHA looks for: Disciplinary Actions for Willful Unsafe Acts. (11 pages)
- OSHA Inspection Procedures - you and your team need to know what to do and have a plan for when OSHA shows up on your job site. Do not wait until then. This written program will guide you, and it will be like having a safety consultant in the palm of your hand. (4 pages)
- Housekeeping Program - even the simple subject of housekeeping isn't so simple... OSHA Standard 1926.25(a) requires a contractor to meet specific requirements, otherwise you could be exposed to serious fines and penalties.
- Hazard Communication Program - One of the standards consistently listed in the Top 10 Most Frequently Cited Standards is the OSHA regulation on Hazard Communication. As part of this Safety Manual you'll get a written "HazCom" program that includes the requirements for the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) which is now aligned with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS).
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - don't get blind-sided by failing to know that you are responsible for both PPE bought by the company and employee-owned equipment. Not to mention, a PPE analysis is required by certain OSHA rules... (5 pages plus a FREE PPE analysis worksheet form)
- Stairway and Ladder Safety Program - make sure to document your safety requirements in writing for stairways and ladders used on your job sites with this program.
- Fall Protection Program - another heavy hitter in the Top 10 Most Frequently Cited Standards and a critical document needed to show any Prime, General Contractor, or Inspector. Be sure you've got the training required in this important written program or face potential fines, citations, and penalties.
- Equipment, Tools, and Ground Fault Safety Program - often over-looked but rarely missed by the savvy inspector are the requirements for extension cords, power tools, and GFCIs. Be sure to have it in writing!
- Lockout/Tagout Program - who are the Authorized Employees at your company? Who should be considered affected and what do you do when you've got three or four individuals working on the same project exposed to deadly energy sources? Don't miss out on important information that should be included in your Safety Manual.
Other sections also included in the OSHA Safety Manual include:
- Bloodborne Pathogens Program
- Emergency Action Plan
- Injury and Illness Prevention Program

But you know Weeklysafety.com didn't stop there. Every company is different, and you might need MORE than just the basics. When you place your order, you will have the opportunity to add the Safety Manual Power Pack to your order, giving you 10 MORE subjects added to your safety manual:
- Aerial Lift Safety Program
- Back Safety Program
- Confined Space Entry Program (4 sample permits included)
- Electrical Safety Hot Work Program
- Excavation & Trenching Safety Program
- Hearing Conservation Program
- Powered Industrial Trucks (Forklifts) Program (sample daily checklist included)
- Respiratory Protection Program (medical evaluation questionnaire and user forms included)
- Scaffold Safety Program (example tagging system included)
- Silica Control Program (written control plan form included)
AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH & SPANISH! Our entire Safety Manual and the Safety Manual Power Pack have both been professionally translated into Spanish. The Spanish versions are identical to the English versions so you can be assured your Spanish-speaking team members are receiving the same high-quality content.