Back Injury Prevention Tips and Techniques for All Workers
Apply these safety tips and techniques when your job requires lifting and carrying, to prevent potential discomfort, aggravation, strains, sprains and injury.
COVID-19: Guidelines on How to Protect Yourself at Work
These guidelines, provided by the CDC and other trusted sources, may help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in work environments.
Avoid Back Injuries With These Workplace Safety Tips
Don't put yourself in a position where you bend over...and you can't get back up. Follow these workplace safety tips to protect your back.
Coping with Anxiety at Work During a Traumatic Time
It is critical that workers recognize what stress looks like and take the necessary steps to build resilience and manage anxiety at work.
How to Add Stress Prevention Into Your Safety Program
If your employees are facing high stress situations, then you need to incorporate stress prevention and management into your safety training program.
Social Distancing Safety Precautions for the Workplace
Safety precautions to consider that can help when employees may be required or advised to practice physical or social distancing measures while at work.
High Standards for Personal Hygiene Reduce Risk at Work
Practicing effective hygiene habits at work can help provide an atmosphere of cleanliness, orderliness, and safety while also preventing the spread of illness.