Safety folks can get a bad rep for being the bearers of bad news...
It's true, and unfortunately it is often warranted because it is part of the job...
For example, close to 5,000 workers die on the job every year.
Sobering. True. Fact.

But why bring this up today? Why bring this bad news to you?
Because at we aren't about keeping things status quo, and we aren't about ignoring the facts...
We aren't about avoiding the reality of the dangers involved in the hard work done by our construction, industrial, and manufacturing professionals each and every day.
What we are about is saving lives, preventing injuries, and helping small businesses succeed...
We are about equipping owners and managers with effective tools to improve their safety performance to help them save dollars and reduce injuries...
What drives us and keeps us excited about construction and manufacturing and all of the other industries out there is the fact that we know we can help keep people safe on the job.
Keeping people safe on the job is critical to the success of any company.
We subscribe to this idea:
"Safety should be like breathing. It should be a pre-condition for organizational behavior." Paul O'Neill, former CEO of ALCOA
If you agree with this philosophy and could use some great tools to help improve safety in your business then download our free report by clicking below.
We're dedicated to worker safety and your success - we know its a win for everyone!
All it takes is a decision to start improving safety in small ways, this week, right now… If you're interested in knowing where to start, visit our site to learn more at
To see in-depth details on the statistic mentioned above, visit the Bureau of Labor Statistics page on Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities.