Join the National Safety Council (NSC) and organizations across the country by raising safety awareness during National Safety Month. Observed annually in June, National Safety Month focuses on reducing leading causes of injury and death at work, on the road and in our homes and communities.

This year the following weekly topics will be highlighted during National Safety Month:
Week 1 - Safety Engagement: The first week of June is also National CPR and AED Awareness Week. When an emergency arises, knowing CPR and how to use an AED can save lives.
Week 2 - Roadway Safety: Driving causes the most work-related deaths. Millions of people required to drive for work receive minimal or no formal training. Empower your drivers with the knowledge and skills they need to drive safely.
Week 3 - Risk Reduction: Workplace safety culture begins with a well-trained workforce. Even in familiar surroundings, we need to constantly be looking for dangers around us throughout our day. Keeping an eye out for hazards can help workers identify and avoid them before an injury occurs.
Week 4 - Slips, Trips, and Falls: With falls the second-leading cause of unintentional injury-related death, this week the focus will be on reducing slips, trips, and falls as well as falls from heights and cover how technology can play a role in saving lives.
To access the free materials available visit the NSC website (you don’t have to be an NSC member). Once you enter some basic information you will have immediate access to all the safety month planning materials.
Campaign materials typically include:
- Tip Sheets in both English & Spanish
- Articles, videos, and webinars related to the safety focus
- Safety Pro resources and off-the-job resources
- and more!

Every organization, regardless of industry, is encouraged to participate in National Safety Month. Ideas for workplace activities include:
- Companies can conduct a safety meeting or toolbox talk on the weekly focus and encourage a discussion among team members.
- Organizations can send out weekly emails with the related articles and tip sheets to allow employees to read as they have time throughout the week.
- Articles and tip sheets can be printed out and provided to team members or posted on bulletin boards in common areas.
- The president, owner, or Safety Director can email a personal letter to all employees about what National Safety Month means for them with the message they want to convey to all employees.
- Supervisors and managers can lead team safety activities such as conducting safety equipment inspections, developing rescue plans, or discussing job specific hazards.
- Organizational leadership can recognize individuals or teams for positive safety-related accomplishments.
- Spread the word on social media using the provided graphics or awesome photos of team members – don’t forget to tag your posts with #NSM and #gogreenforsafety.

Another way to participate in National Safety Month is to add regular safety meetings to your company or organization’s safety and health program. Holding regular safety meetings or toolbox talks with your crews, teams and staff is the best way to ensure that your company is meeting and exceeding OSHA’s compliance standards.