Defensive driving applies to the job site too, no matter if that is a construction site, a warehouse parking lot, a residential area, or an isolated field site.

The potential for injury begins upon arrival at the job site. Hazards can be present even before a worker exits their vehicle and even when driving around the site.
Workers should practice safe procedures when driving all types of vehicles and construction equipment to avoid creating hazards to themselves and their co-workers. Backing up equipment or vehicles can be especially dangerous if workers fail to follow safe operating procedures.
When having a safety meeting about driving on site, make sure these important points are covered with everyone who works on the job site (not just those employees who drive work vehicles!)
- Use designated entrances and access areas when exiting and entering the job sites. These entrances should be clearly marked.
All vehicles that will be used must be inspected to ensure that they are in safe operating condition and free of apparent damage that could lead to an accident. Ideally, copies of the inspections will be maintained.
- Notify the appropriate person and be certain that any damage or defect is corrected before the vehicle is used.
- Remove from service any motor vehicle that is found to be defective or has faulty safety devices.
- Vehicles to transport employees must have seats secured for the number of workers required.
Prevent backing incidents by:
- making sure back-up alarms are working
- checking the area behind you before reversing
- never backing up without having a clear view
- using a highly visible and well-trained spotter

OSHA Standard 1926.601(b) says that vehicles used to transport employees shall have seats firmly secured and adequate for the number of employees to be carried and seat belts and anchorages shall be installed in all motor vehicles.
- Seat belts must be provided and used by all workers using vehicles and earth moving equipment such as loaders, dozers, and off-highway trucks.
- Never use a vehicle with a damaged seat belt!
OSHA Standard 1926.602(a)(2) says that seat belts shall be provided for earthmoving equipment such as scrapers, loaders, crawler or wheel tractors, bulldozers, off-highway trucks, graders, agricultural and industrial tractors, and similar equipment.