Safety posters and artwork can be incredibly powerful motivators when the message is on target. Vibrant, visual safety messages remind employees that management insists safety comes first and all workers should use the safety skills they have learned in training, no matter the task.
Here are 4 reasons why safety posters really do work.

1. Safety Posters Provide a Safety Message Quickly
Annual safety training, weekly toolbox talks, refresher courses and on-the-job training are all crucial elements of your workplace safety and health program, but reinforcement is critical to maintaining a safe work environment throughout the year. Hanging safety posters or signs in key places at eye level emphasize your most important safety messages quickly, when needed, every work day. Sharing safety concepts and best practices that workers have already heard, or been exposed to, is the best way to reinforce great safety habits on the job.

2. Safety Posters Prevent On-the-Job Incidents
Location is important when you are considering where to place a safety poster. Hanging an easy-to-read safety poster that emphasizes a hazard or safety tip in critical work areas gives workers easy reminders of vital information at the exact moment they need it. Informational safety posters should repeat ideas that employees have already been exposed to during safety training or a weekly safety meeting. When the work environment has a tendency to get hectic or overwhelming, then safety posters become even more necessary.

3. Safety Posters Demonstrate the Organization’s Commitment to Safety
Every organization should have a written safety policy that is communicated to all employees and reinforced throughout the year. On-boarding and annual safety training are great, but finding innovative ways for management to demonstrate their continual commitment to safety is also necessary. Cultivating a safety-minded workforce can be accomplished by investing in high-quality artwork like safety posters, motivational safety prints or elegant canvas art with a workplace safety message. Doing this reinforces safety as a company value throughout the year.

4. Safety Posters Carry the Safety Message Outside of Work
When safety is an organizational value it becomes absorbed into the fabric of the workplace culture. The significance of safety doesn’t just stop when employees head home for the day. If safety is reinforced throughout the workday, with the help of safety posters, then employees are more likely to continue safe habits when working offsite, on the road and even after they go home at the end of the workday. We all want our people to get home safely, but we also want them back the next day adding value to our organizations!

Show your organization’s commitment to workplace safety by featuring an important safety message as an elegant statement piece in your corporate office, conference room, lobby or meeting space. You can even hang posters or canvas prints in your warehouse, workshop, lab, break room or waiting area.
Visit the Inspire Safety online gallery today to find the perfect safety poster or canvas print for your company.